EdfesttTV made this short promo for our performances of Match at Dancebase.
While Matthew and I made Match fit in to another space in Edinburgh, the Olympics opened in Beijing. I wondered about what manicured lawns or gracious walkways now covered the rubble where I’d danced last year in front of the Bird’s Nest Stadium
I was interested to read that Rem Koolhaas has defended the new stadium as a building with many niches for people to meet in, though of course, what the world saw in the opening and closing ceremonies was the beguiling but rather terrifying beauty of mass choreography in the stadium’s main space. It remains to be seen what other choreographies those niches allow.
My friend Tadeo who works in Beijing has written a couple of insightful post on the experience of the building. You might be interested:
8:48 am
Hi Fearghus – just to say how much I enjoyed your presentation in Leeds. Thought provoking stuff, especially the “love” analogy. Good luck with future projects.
11:53 am
Thank you. I enjoy these opportunities to articulate a little more coherently the half-thoughts and instincts that otherwise lurk unformed in my mind. Talking to other people is a good thing!
1:36 pm
Oops! Meant to post comment on the Arts Summit item but got carried away reading another of your blog entries.
Yes I know what you mean about the lurking half-thoughts and benefits of liberating them.
1:48 pm
I write this blog as a useful record of half-thoughts – possibly a dangerously public forum for experimenting: I put rough choreographic material online and worry sometimes people won’t recognise its provisional nature. On the other hand I think there are truths in the half-thought that the polishing process ends up disguising.